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HOUSE OF HEROES – an introduction to season one

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO JOIN THE FAMILY BUSINESS? The Smith family has a legacy of super powers related to the earth’s “elements”, from grandpa’s control of rock to Mom’s fire control to big sister’s air powers. And all water powered Johnny wants is to live up to the superhero …

THE RANDOMS – an introduction to season one

WHY DO THEY HAVE POWERS? Forty-two random people around the world find themselves with strange powers beyond their imagination. As they learn that they have powers, they also learn that there is probably a reason for having them. It probably has something to do with the thing the government destroyed …

Trista Shaye

Trista Shaye is a voiceover artist and YA & MG author. Since she was young, she’s had several dreams of things she’s always wanted to do or experience in her life. Now voice acting can be checked off the list, and she’s working at making it a career. (Her dream …